In Japan, the search for the ultimate in “cute” is brought to new hights – and the pet business in no exception. I recently found an interesting but disturbing article on chihuahuas bred to have a distinct blue hue. The downside however, is that these unique looking pups have a propensity for health problems and its not for the faint-hearted. Think bones so brittle that they can cause the animal to crumble at the slightest pressure or worse, brain damage so severe that the poor animal spends hours on end haplessly running in circles.
As an animal lover (we have several dogs, cats and turtles in our home), I can’t help but think that is this penchant for cuteness worth it? To breeders, yes, as a minature poodle (the size of a teacup) can fetch around the region of $10,000. And maybe even for the owners, at first, who can show off their unique (but actually un-natural) pets. But once these rather frightening health problems creep in, it all seems like a very cruel business indeed. I for one think that the good old “mongrel” can make an equally wonderful pet and companion.
I’ll be posting the article in my next post for your reading pleasure.
[tags]pets, breeding, animals[/tags]