Do you work in an office in a 9 to 5 job? Do you sometimes feel that your job is getting to become to routine and that you are getting bored with your 8 hour work day? Well, maybe you should quit your job and head on over to Japan.
The newest thing to hit Japan is cheerleading concepts being applied to the business setting. Based on a report by Japan Today:
Few management consultants can cheer you up the way AMT Group’s Maki Nakayama can. Nakayama, a Washington Redskins cheerleader alumnus, is using the lessons she’s learned in over a decade of cheerleading to promote “Cheerleadership” in Japanese companies. Her idea is that Japanese businessmen can have more fun at work if they apply the same energy and enthusiasm to their job as cheerleaders apply to their cheers.
The combination of team work and independent work is important for cheerleaders and businesspeople. “As a cheerleader, team work was really important because we spend time together and we have to cooperate. Sometimes we would have a promotion and they would just tell us what time, what to wear, what to do and we would just go there to do the promotion by ourselves. We had to be independent. So I spent time with girls who are independent and can help each other.”
Very interesting concept, I should say. I wouldn’t mind learning something that can be applied to the workplace in a fun and novel way, would you?
Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Beall