In Japan, the Koyou season is a time where the locals take the time out to enjoy the beauty of the autumn by going on nature hikes with friends and family, spending time at parks and eating at restaurants and cafes with good views of the colourful foliage.
Unlike the spring season’s Cherry Blossoms, which bring about festivals and celebration, the low key-Kouyou is a time for quiet appreciation. Aside from the activities listed above, the Japanese also have traditional snacks which only appear during this time of year. The goheimochi is one such treat, which are bunches of sticky rice broiled on sticks – sort of like a sweet yakitori.
Yes, the Kouyou season in Japan is a wonderful time. Here are some of the best places around the country to enjoy the stunning landscapes:
1. Hakone (best in November)
2. Nikko (best at the end of October)
3. Kyoto (best in November)
4. Kamakura (best at the end of November)
[tags]Kouyou, Hakone, Nikko, Kyoto[/tags]