Anyone who has seen the Japanese anime, Samurai X (or Kenshin Himora) would at least know a little something about this period in Japanese history. One of the most prolific eras in Japan’s history, the Edo Period was a time of glory and controversy.
The Edo Period covers the years 1600 to 1867. Perhaps one of the most glaring symbols of this period was the samurai. Known as the toughest and most skilled of warriors, samurai were quite distinct from other classes in society. In fact, they were dressed differently from farmers and merchants. More so, they were not allowed to visit places of entertainment. Who’s to say they didn’t though?
During this period, monks and priests – believe it or not – were considered to be marginal elements of the society! They in fact lived in the outer edges of Edo, together with other marginal groups such as gangs and prostitutes!
[tags]history, Edo Period, samurai, Edo[/tags]