Japanese Anime has long since been one of the more popular hobbies in many countries around the world. For the uninitiated, anime is the term used for Japanese animation. Wide eyed characters with quirky characteristics are the focus of anime. Seemingly suitable for children – as cartoons are normally perceived – anime has captured the interest of people of all ages.
This March, the TAF (Tokyo International Anime Fair) is going to be held at Tokyo Big Sight. Held every year at spring, this exhibit is the largest anime fair in the world. Booths will be hosted not only by Japanese anime companies but entities from other countries as well. Events include stage performances and video/movie showings. More than that, the Tokyo Anime Awards will be held to recognize the best in the anime industry.
Tickets are relatively reasonable at 1,000 JPY for adults and 500 JPY for high school and junior high school students. Younger kids come in for free.
[tags]Japan, Tokyo, Japanese Anime, Tokyo Anime Fair[/tags]